A series of figures I made for my son. Based on the characters of the original Mega Man game (plus his brother Proto Man).
Mega Man II
Android Robot
Creating Krang’s Android Body reminded me that I still needed to take a decent picture of the Android™ Robot MOC I made in 2011.
Krang’s Android Body
I’ve wanted to make Krang’s Android Body out of LEGO for as long as I can remember, and now that LEGO makes a “Kraang” figure I guess the time is right. The figure sits comfortably inside, and the sides are easily removable for access. This was a fun day build, mostly for my son when he’s old enough to play with it (which means I get to in the meantime!).
Batman (POP! Hero)
My son is fascinated with Batman, so I built him a LEGO version of Funko‘s POP! Heroes Batman. Needless to say, he loves it. Be sure to check out my POP! Superman as well!
Mutant Ant Trophy
This trophy was built for BrickPirate’s L13 Special Edition n°7 Contest a few months ago. Congrats to 6kyubi6 for taking it home! It’s based off my Mutant Ant.
Iron Builder Roundup
The last month I’ve been building for Iron Builder 3.0 Round 2 against Luke Hutchinson using the clear hemisphere. Below is a list of what I built for the contest.