373rd Reptilian Infantry Squad

The men (and lizards) of the 373rd Reptilian Infantry Squad, serving in the European Theatre of Operations during WWII.

The base of the display is in the shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex footprint.

This was mostly inspired by both Andrew Becraft’s Great Leader’s on Terrible Lizards and the upcoming documentary America’s Fighting Dinosaur.

Built for MocAthalon 2013 on MOCPages.

LEGO 373rd Reptilian Infantry Squad

See the entire photoset here!

Lookin’ Good!

Some LEGO gear for stepping out on the town in style:
tie (and tie clip), boutonniere, pocket square, cuff links, and a belt. Also, a glass of whiskey on a coaster for good measure.

Built for MocAthalon 2013 on MOCPages.

Lookin' Good!

Lookin' Good!

See the entire photoset here!

White Hand of Saruman Mosaic

LEGO White Hand of Saruman Mosaic

“We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man’s-flesh to eat.”

This is a LEGO built mosaic of The White Hand of Saruman from The Lord of the Rings. I wanted to go for a studs-out build on the hand to get a feel of a tattered banner.
21 ¼” x 31 ¼

Celebrating the inspiration of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, The White Tree of Gondor, The White Horse of Rohan and The White Hand of Saruman represent three books, three movies, and three areas of Middle-earth. These mosiacs were created especially for a gallery event put on by TheOneRing.net: “An Unexpected Art Show” held in Los Angeles on February 22, 2013.

This is a collaborative build by the OneLug, a fellowship of builders consisting of Brandon, Bruce, and Remi.

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