This is the third build based off Paul Lee‘s Mickey Mouse (which was in turn inspired by the Lowell Sphere). These are based on the 2013 cartoon shorts that my family really enjoys.

This is the third build based off Paul Lee‘s Mickey Mouse (which was in turn inspired by the Lowell Sphere). These are based on the 2013 cartoon shorts that my family really enjoys.
I started my Mickey Mouse (based off Paul Lee‘s, which was in turn inspired by the Lowell Sphere) with no intention to follow up beyond the original build, but it’s morphed into seven builds so far. The last of those builds is this Minnie, which I originally wrote off as uninteresting and not possible with the color palette LEGO currently offers. I was wrong on both counts; once I found that there was an “official, non-standard” (red dress with white polka dots) version of Minnie, I decided to give it a go, and I’m really happy with where it ended up. My daughter is too.
My friend (and amazing artist and builder) Paul Lee was inspired by the Lowell Sphere to build a Mickey Mouse back in 2011. I’ve always liked how it turned out and wanted to make my own. It ended up taking on a life of its own and has resulted in six different Disney character builds (so far); this is the first of them.